Monica Primrose-Director

Monica was born in Huntsville but lived in many small towns in Texas.  She graduated from Southwest Texas State University with a degree in Elementary Education. She taught for 31 years in Austin ISD and retired in 2010. She has been married to Mike Primrose for 42 years.  They have two children and three grandchildren.

Home Parish: St. Anthony Marie de Claret, Kyle Tx

First ACTS Retreat and Service:  Her first retreat was at St. Anthony Marie de Claret in March 2006. She has served as a lead in all services and most ministries, and has served as  a Director, Co-Director and Spiritual Companion. The last twelve, years she has served exclusively on Mission teams in the Austin Diocese (St. Catherine, St. Louis, St. Luke’s in Temple, Ascension in Bastrop, St. Ignatius) and to Kentucky, Oregon and Hawaii. She is also a Spiritual Director in the Diocese of Austin.

Fun Facts: She is an avid quilter, enjoys machine embroidery and loves making prayer blankets for the sick. She enjoys camping with her family and enjoys playing games like Mexican Train, Sequence and cards.

Favorite Saint: St. Anthony of Padua

Favorite Scripture:  Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. ”

Phone: 512-913-0098

Assigned Parishes: St Catherine Siena

Diane Landeros -Treasurer

Diane was raised in Rogers, Texas. She then moved to Austin area for 30 years. She is married to Richard Drane and has one son. She retired from the University of Texas at Austin in December 2019 with 30 years.
She is currently working part time at St Elizabeth.

Home Parish:  St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Pflugerville, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service:    St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Pflugerville, TX in 2012. She has served on four retreats. She has served on ACTS CORE for 3 years.

Fun Facts: She loves taking road trips with her husband. Loves having fellowship with neighbors.

Favorite Saint:  St. Mary because she answers her prayers.

Favorite Scripture:  Isaiah 12:2-3
God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior.

Phone:  512-736-0451

Assigned Parishes: Western Deanery, St Paul’s, Christ the King-Belton, St Luke’s-Temple


Daniel Caballero-Co Director

Home Parish:  St. Louis King of France, Austin, TX
First ACTS Retreat and Service:    2013 first ACTS retreat; 2014 on two teams one as Co-Director; 2015-17 on St. Louis Core team as Co-Facilitator, events coordinator and Spiritual coordinator; 2018-20 served on three mission teams at St. Stephens/Salado, St. Albert’s, and St. Ignatius/Austin where he was Director.

Fun Facts: He enjoys F1, NASCAR and other racing events. He is a volunteer at COTA for the past six years for many major events.

Favorite Saint:  St. Joseph.

Favorite Scripture:  ACTS 20;24
Yet I consider life of no importance to me me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the lord Jesus, to bear witness to the gospel of God’s grace.

Phone:  512-417-2959

Assigned Parishes: St Ignatius Martyr, St Martin de Pores-Dripping Springs, Santa Rosa de Lima-Andice


Sabrina Perez

Home Parish: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Pflugerville, Tx

First ACTS Retreat and Service:  In 2011 at St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Has served on various teams as a lead, Co-Director, Spiritual Companion and Director. She is currently involved in various ministries in her parish including Ladies Club and Ladies Auxiliary. She has served with her husband in RCIA when he was the director, led the English prayer group and worked in the Parish office.

Fun Facts: She taught herself to refurbish furniture and to make wreaths and enjoys DIY interior decorating in her spare time. She would love to learn how to fly fish one day.

Favorite Saint: St. Anthony of Padua

Favorite Scripture:  Psalm 51:1
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your merciful love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.”

Phone: 512-906-7941

Assigned Parishes: St Louis King of France, Cristo Rey, Sacred Heart Elgin

Craig O’Brien-Communications

Craig was born in Baltimore, MD and raised in Boston, MA. He moved to Texas in 2007 and now resides in Driftwood, TX. Craig is happily married and has two teenagers — a son and a daughter.

Home Parish: St. Martin de Porres, Dripping Springs, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service: St. Catherine of Siena, Austin, TX in 2015. Has served as the lead on various ministries and services, was an ACTS Team Director, and has been a Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, and Communications Lead for St. Catherine’s Core Team. Joined ACTS Missions-Austin Chapter in July 2022.

Fun Facts: Loves coffee and Christmas! Converted to Catholicism after exploring many options (including some denominations until he found out they forbid coffee!). Avid Patriots, Bruins, and Red Sox fan. Enjoys running even in the Texas heat.

Favorite Saint: St. Patrick (was married in St. Patrick’s Church in Boston, named his son Patrick, and chose Patrick as his confirmation name).

Favorite Scripture: John 9:15
“He put clay on my eyes…and now I can see. ”

Phone: 512-694-3337

Lisa Resendez Lisa Resendez

Lisa was born in Kingsville, Texas. She has called the Austin area home since 1982. She is married to Victor Resendez and they have 7 children and 8 grandchildren. She works for Dell Technologies and has for over 23 years.

Home Parish: St. Patrick’s of Hutto, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service: In 2006 at St. Anthony Marie De Claret. Has served on various teams as a lead, Co-Director, and Director. She he has served on Core at St. Elizabeth of Hungary. She served in one Mission trip in Kentucky. In her home parish, she is active with St. Vincent De Paul and a Knightette (wives who assist the Knights of Columbus).

Fun Facts: She loves to travel and has visited 48 of the 50 US states. She has visited 21 countries.

Favorite Saint: St. Monica and St. Marie Goretti

Favorite Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.”

Phone: 512-576-0578

Tany (Antonia) Yanez

Tany was born in Mexico. My family moved to Austin, TX in 1982, and has remained in the area ever since. I have worked in finance and public service for 22 years with Travis County, after graduating from Texas State University. I am the eldest of four siblings, have three nieces and a Pomeranian/corgi mix fur-baby, Honeybee.

Home Parish: Our Lady of Guadalupe – Austin, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service: I attended my first ACTS retreat at Our Lady of Guadalupe – Austin in January 2015. Since then, I have served on three Spanish teams, twice as co-director, and served on the OLG Core team as Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, and Financial Coordinator.

Fun Facts: I enjoy crafting and party decorating. I have decorated for various family events and am currently tasked with coordinating the hall and grounds decorations for my parish’s annual Jamaica festival. I love travel, road trips, and making memories with family and friends.

Favorite Saint: Saint Anthony of Padua (I was born on his feast day and named Antonia after St. Anthony)

Favorite Scripture: Joshua 1:9

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Phone: 512-554-5846

Daniel Riley

Danny was born in El Paso, Texas and moved to Austin in 1999. He is married to Kathy Riley since 2006 and has a teenage son.

Home Parish: St. Louis King of France, Austin, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service: He participated in his first retreat in 2015 at St. Louis King of France, Austin, TX. Since then, he has served on various teams as lead and Co-Director and also served on Core at St. Louis King of France. He served in two Mission trips in Missouri. In his home parish, he is active with Knights of Columbus and loves when he serves for hospitality at mass.

Fun Facts: He loves cooking for large groups of people.

Favorite Saint: St. Lawrence

Favorite Scripture: John 11:35

“Jesus wept.”

Phone: 512-791-3664

Rueben Parra

Rueben was born and raised in Lockhart, TX. He learned the trade of welding in school and then ventured out on his own working contract for several years and learning several other work skills that landed him in his current career of 21 yrs in the building and manufacturing business. He has been married to his wife Gloria Parra for the last 27 years and they have 4 children.

Home Parish: He and his family have been members of the St. Anthony Marie de Claret Catholic Catholic Church for the last 17 yrs

First ACTS Retreat and Service: In 2014 with St. Anthony’s and since then he has been invited to be part of team for both the adult and teen ACTS. He served three years on the St. Anthony’s ACTS core team and was the facilitator in the last year of his service. He is non-active member of the Knights, and currently serves the church as Eucharistic minister and member of the Middle School youth group.

Fun Facts: Self-taught to smoke BBQ and thoroughly enjoys my time outside making BBQ for friends and family. I also have a passion for monster trucks and low rider cars.

Favorite Saint: Saint Anthony of Padua (I was born on his feast day and named Antonia after St. Anthony)

Favorite Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Paul Corley

Paul was born in West Monroe, LA but has lived in Texas for over 35 years. He graduated from the University of Louisiana at Monroe with a degree in Finance. Currently he is the Executive Chef for Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center. He has been married to Amanda (Amy) Kuvet-Corley for 29 years. They have two boys.

Home Parish: St. John the Evangelist Parish in Marble Falls, TX

First ACTS Retreat and Service: His first retreat was in September 2009. He has served as music lead, catechist, and Co-Director. This is his first year on ACTS Chapter.

Fun Facts: He is a cooking fanatic, avid reader, and enjoys spending time with family, friends and pets.

Favorite Saint: St. Patrick

Favorite Scripture:2 Corinthians 12:9-10

“ but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses,: in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.”

“Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ;  for when I am weak, then I am strong.”